Monologues not used in Aunty Roachy seh

Monologues not used in Aunty Roachy seh, typed, placed in alphabetical order by the archivist
Monologues not used in Aunty Roachy seh, typed, placed in alphabetical order by the archivist
Series 3: Writing. – 1941-2008. – 48 cm of textual records. – Title based on content of series. – Series contains prose, poetry, songs and other genres as well as writing by others. – Recordings of some of this material can be found in Series 6, beginning in Box 24. Prose. Aunty Roachy seh, 1993, edited by Mervyn Morris. A collection of LB’s radio monologues first broadcast in Jamaica, 1955-1982; an earlier working title was “Miss Lou’s Views.” Some images have been enhanced.