20.V18 [Kendall House, Heidengoed and Lake Copses Southeast of Westroosebeke November 29, 1917
Covers an area equivalent to portions of squares V18 and W13 on the corresponding WWI map sheet 20. Negative roll 7B, photo 8. Kendall House is visible at the bottom-center of the photo next to the white "x." A German hut and trench are visible near the bottom of the blasted remains of Lake Copse, the dark band running diagonally across the upper-right corner of the photo. The blasted tree trunks in the dark band further to the left and just above center are the remains of Heidengoed Copse. Annotations on recto: north arrow pointing slightly right of straight-up with a white "x" on the opposite edge of the photo. Annotations on verso: "Ypres"? written in pencil. The photo is not of Ypres but of an area in the Ypres Salient. WWI Aerial Photograph Collection: Box 3, Envelope 146.