Enemy Organisation Maps


[Bapaume] 57c.NW Enemy Organisation 19-8-18
[Bapaume] 57c.NW Enemy Organisation 19-8-18
Location: Research Collections, Fonds: WWI Trench Maps France, Box 4, Envelope 123.
[Bapaume] 57c.NW Enemy Organisation 19-8-18
[Bapaume] 57c.NW Enemy Organisation 19-8-18
Location: Research Collections, Fonds: WWI Trench Maps France, Box 12, Envelope 32.
[Bermerain] 51a.SE Enemy Organisation 26-9-18
[Bermerain] 51a.SE Enemy Organisation 26-9-18
Location: Research Collections, Fonds: WWI Trench Maps France, Box 13, Envelope 2.
[Bertincourt] 57c.SE Enemy Organisation 21-8-18
[Bertincourt] 57c.SE Enemy Organisation 21-8-18
Location: Research Collections, Fonds: WWI Trench Maps France, Box 5, Envelope 147.
[Bertry, Mazinghien, south of Le Cateau : final advance 1918 [area of Wilfred Owen's death]]
[Bertry, Mazinghien, south of Le Cateau : final advance 1918 [area of Wilfred Owen's death]]
Series Number ID: GSGS 2742. Sheet number: 57bSE. Ed. 2A. Provisional until publication of edition 3. Trenches & enemy organisation to 30th September 1918. OS(OB) September 1918. [3rd] FSB 10851 1-10-18 o/p [5th FSB] 4397 5-10-18. MS on reverse: Lieut. W. Dowell. D110 Brigade RHA. No printing on reverse. Location: Research Collections; Fonds: WW1 Trench Maps: France; Box number: PC08; envelope_number: 210
[Bertry, Mazinghien, south of Le Cateau : final advance 1918 [area of Wilfred Owen's death]]
[Bertry, Mazinghien, south of Le Cateau : final advance 1918 [area of Wilfred Owen's death]]
Series Number Id: GSGS 2742. Sheet number: 57b SE. Edition number: 2a. "Enemy organisation 30-9-18." "Trenches revised from information received to 30-9-18". "Provisional until publication of ed. 3." "Field Survey Bn. (10851) 1-10-18". "Ordnance Survey, (O.B.) September, 1918.", Location: Research Collections; Fonds: WW1 Trench Maps: France; Box number: PC25; envelope_number: 753, German trenches, enemy organisation and detail corrections in red; detail and grid grey; contours brown. ** in SW corner. Manuscript on face: small markings near Vaux Andigny.
[Bertry, Mazinghien, south of Le Cateau : final advance 1918 [area of Wilfred Owen's death]]
[Bertry, Mazinghien, south of Le Cateau : final advance 1918 [area of Wilfred Owen's death]]
Series Number Id: GSGS 2742. Sheet number: 57b SE. Edition number: 2a. German trenches, enemy organisations and detail corrections in red; detail & grid grey; contours brown. ** in SW corner, Location: Research Collections; Fonds: WW1 Trench Maps: France; Box number: PC08; envelope_number: 211
[Bertry] 57b.SE Enemy Organisation 30-9-18
[Bertry] 57b.SE Enemy Organisation 30-9-18
Location: Research Collections, Fonds: WWI Trench Maps France, Box 5, Envelope 161.
[Bohain] 62b.NE
[Bohain] 62b.NE
Location: Research Collections, Fonds: WWI Trench Maps France, Box 3, Envelope 68.
[Bohain] 62b.NE
[Bohain] 62b.NE
Location: Research Collections, Fonds: WWI Trench Maps France, Box 5, Envelope 159.
[Caix] 66e.NE
[Caix] 66e.NE
Location: Research Collections, Fonds: WWI Trench Maps France, Box 12, Envelope 26.
[Cambrai, Caudry : trench & enemy organisation map]
[Cambrai, Caudry : trench & enemy organisation map]
Series Number Id: GSGS 2742; Sheet number: 57b NW; Edition number: 3b (local). Cambrai & South East; Trench and Enemy Organisation Map; German trenches in blue, enemy organisation in red; good condition., Location: Research Collections; Fonds: WW1 Trench Maps: France; Box number: PC08; envelope_number: 223, Manuscript on face: blue crayon line from W to NE; manuscript on cover: J. Howarth, B Coy.
[Cambrai] 57b Enemy Rear Organisation 25-9-18
[Cambrai] 57b Enemy Rear Organisation 25-9-18
Location: Research Collections, Fonds: WWI Trench Maps France, Box 3, Envelope 70.
[Cambrai] 57b Enemy Rear Organisation 25-9-18
[Cambrai] 57b Enemy Rear Organisation 25-9-18
Location: Research Collections, Fonds: WWI Trench Maps France, Box 4, Envelope 122.
[Cambrai] 57b.NW Enemy Organisation 29-8-18
[Cambrai] 57b.NW Enemy Organisation 29-8-18
Location: Research Collections, Fonds: WWI Trench Maps France, Box 12, Envelope 30.
[Canal du Nord Region, between Arras & Cambrai : trench & enemy organisation map]
[Canal du Nord Region, between Arras & Cambrai : trench & enemy organisation map]
Series Number Id: GSGS 2742; Sheet number: 51b SE; Edition number: 5b. Between Arras & Cambrai; Trench & Enemy Organisation map; special edition showing revision [to topography and tactical detail] to 20-9-18 in light blue; France; German trenches in blue with enemy organisation in red to 20-8-18; "A*" in SW margin corner; good condition., Location: Research Collections; Fonds: WW1 Trench Maps: France; Box number: PC08; envelope_number: 213, Manuscript on cover: J Haworth.
[Canal du Nord Region, between Arras & Cambrai : trench & enemy organisation map]
[Canal du Nord Region, between Arras & Cambrai : trench & enemy organisation map]
Series Number Id: GSGS 2742; Sheet number: 51b SE; Edition number: 5a. Between Arras & Cambrai; Trench & Enemy Organisation map; detail & grid grey, Contours ochre; note change of colour - German trenches in blue; Enemy Organisation in red - shows Drocourt - Queant Line, Canal du Nord Line etc; railways, aerodromes, camps etc; edition prepared for final advance. *** in SW corner; not printed on reverse; good condition., Location: Research Collections; Fonds: WW1 Trench Maps: France; Box number: PC18; envelope_number: 565
[Combles] 57c.SW Enemy Organisation 23-7-18
[Combles] 57c.SW Enemy Organisation 23-7-18
Location: Research Collections, Fonds: WWI Trench Maps France, Box 12, Envelope 33.
[Courtrai] 29.NW
[Courtrai] 29.NW
Location: Research Collections, Fonds: WWI Trench Maps France, Box 7, Envelope 214.
[Denain] 51a.NW Enemy Organisation 2-10-18
[Denain] 51a.NW Enemy Organisation 2-10-18
Location: Research Collections, Fonds: WWI Trench Maps France, Box 13, Envelope 1.
