Canals, Great Britain (RMC)

A new general map of the inland navigation of England and Wales
A new general map of the inland navigation of England and Wales
Printed map. "June 5th, 1809." Most canals are hand coloured and dated, showing the year Acts of Parliament were obtained for them. Visual scale [10 cm=60 British statute miles].
Tableau hydrographique des canaux navigables de l'Angleterre
Tableau hydrographique des canaux navigables de l'Angleterre
Printed map. Cartographer unknown. Three visual scales [107 mm=60 milles anglais]. Shows canals under construction (“en projets”) and complete. Includes 3 inset maps: Principaux canaux de la partie sud de l'Écosse, a la même échelle que la grand carte; Carte du canal Caledonian dans la partie nord de l'Écosse; and, Principaux canaux des environs de Londres. "PL. Ire." in upper right margin.