Canada (RMC)


A map of Cabotia; comprehending the provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, New-Brunswick, and Nova-Scotia, with Breton Island...
A map of Cabotia; comprehending the provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, New-Brunswick, and Nova-Scotia, with Breton Island...
Printed map originally from a set of 4 sheets. McMaster lacks 3 sheets; this is the northwest segment. "Compiled from a great variety of original documents, by John Purdy." "Engraved by Thomson & Hall, 14, Bury Str. Bloomsby." "Published 12th. October, 1814". Includes 4 insets: General sketch of the Grand Lakes &c.; Environs of Quebec; The banks of the River St. Lawrence, from the Isle of Orleans to Lake St. Francis, on an enlarged scale; and, Frontier of Niagara, &c. Described in Catalogue of the National Map Collection, Public Archives of Canada, vol. 10, V1/1100-1814, p. 698. Acquired as part of the Hodsoll Collection.
A new map of Canada, also the north parts of New England and New York; with Nova Scotia and Newfound Land
A new map of Canada, also the north parts of New England and New York; with Nova Scotia and Newfound Land
Printed map. "From the Sr. Robert with improvements." Cartographer unknown. Second state. Two visual scales [33 mm=200 English statute miles & 35 mm=60 marine leagues]. Includes inset, "Supplement for the lakes of Canada." Described in Kershaw, Early Printed Maps of Canada, Vol. II, entry 370, p. 41: "Source unknown...the notes, top and centre right, on the fishing limits and boundaries have been deleted." Acquired as part of the Hodsoll Collection.
Printed map. "Drawn & engraved by J. Bartholomew, Edinr. F.R.G.S." Visual scale [31 mm=100 British miles]. Includes "Reference to the counties". Taken from an atlas; source unconfirmed. Acquired as part of the Hodsoll Collection.
Canada &c.
Canada &c.
Printed map. "Drawn & engraved by I. Dower, Pentonville, London." Visual scale [38 mm=200 English statute miles]. Includes inset: The Island of Newfoundland divided into districts. Geological cross section above the map's lower neat line. In upper margin, "XXXVIII" and "School atlas 32". Map is likely from an atlas; source unconfirmed. Donated by Dr. Walter Peace, December 2016.
Canada and Nova Scotia
Canada and Nova Scotia
2 visual scales; one has "British statute miles 69 1/2 to a degree". "Engd. by W. Dassauville Edinb." Described in Catalogue of the National Map Collection, Public Archives of Canada, V1/1100 - [1821], volume 10, p. 701: "The map was published by Baldwin, Craddock and Joy in 1821 in J. Thomson's A New General Atlas and appeared as plate 54". McMaster Library's copy does not display the number "54".
Canada, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia
Canada, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia
Printed map. "By Sidney Hall." Visual scale, "English Miles 69 to a degree." In upper right margin, "48"; "XLVIII" in lower right margin. Described in Catalogue of the National Map Collection, Public Archives of Canada, A/1100-1830, Volume 10, p. 705: "In Hall, Sidney, A New General Atlas. London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown & Green, 1830, plate 48."
Canada, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia
Canada, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia
Printed map from The Illustrated London News. In upper margin, "The Illustrated London News [Sept. 15, 1860.--259". Title at head of map, "Visit of the Prince of Wales to North America". Visual scale [51 mm=200 British miles]. Map appears in the center of the sheet with columns of text on the left and right side, with heading on left side, "British possessions in North America." Columns of text on verso with illustrations, and pages numbered "260" and "257" from left to right. Acquired as part of the Hodsoll Collection.
Canada, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia
Canada, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia
Printed map. "By Sidney Hall." Visual scale [77 mm=250 English miles]. In upper right margin, "48" and "XLVIII" in lower right margin. Probably originally published in Hall's A New General Atlas, 1857 and likely taken from same original source as McMaster map RMC_107367. Described in Catalogue of the National Map Collection, vol. 10, A/1100-1857, p. 729-730. Acquired as part of the Hodsoll Collection.
Dominion of Canada (east central sheet)
Dominion of Canada (east central sheet)
Printed map. "By Keith Johnston F.R.S.E." In lower margin, "Engraved, printed and published by W. & A.K. Johnston, Edinburgh & London." Four visual scales [72 mm=110 geographical miles]. In upper right margin, "42". Printed on upper right of verso, "Dominion of Canada (east central). 42". Taken from an atlas, source unconfirmed. Shows same geographic area as McMaster map RMC_107350 and is possibly a later edition of the map, as boundaries extend further north and place name detail is greater. Acquired as part of the Hodsoll Collection.
Dominion of Canada (eastern sheet)
Dominion of Canada (eastern sheet)
Printed map. "By Keith Johnston F.R.S.E." In lower margin, "Engraved, printed and published by W. & A.K. Johnston, Edinburgh & London." Three visual scales [72 mm=110 geographical miles]. Includes inset, "Newfoundland on same scale". In upper right margin, "40". Taken from an atlas, source unconfirmed. Probably taken from same original source as McMaster map RMC_107350, Dominion of Canada (western sheet). Acquired as part of the Hodsoll Collection.
Dominion of Canada (western sheet)
Dominion of Canada (western sheet)
Printed map. "By Keith Johnston F.R.S.E." "Engraved & printed by W. & A.K Johnston, Edinburgh." Three visual scales [72 mm=100 geographical & Italian miles]. In upper right margin, "39". Taken from an atlas, source unconfirmed. Probably taken from same original source as McMaster map RMC_107351, Dominion of Canada (eastern sheet). The map is likely an earlier edition of McMaster map RMC_107352. This earlier edition has fewer place names than the later edition, and the plate number is different. Acquired as part of the Hodsoll Collection.
Map of the Province of Canada from Lake Superior to the Gulf of St. Lawrence
Map of the Province of Canada from Lake Superior to the Gulf of St. Lawrence
Printed map. "Corrected from information obtained by the Geological Survey under the direction of Sir W.E. Logan and prepared for the Canada Directory, Thos. C. Keefer C.E., Montreal". "Robert Barlow, Draughtsman." "Scale 25 miles to one inch." Includes inset, [Gulf of St. Lawrence Region]. Described in Winearls, Mapping Upper Canada 1780-1867, entry 235, p. 75-76: "Issued separately and in The Canadian Directory for 1857-58 (Montreal: John Lovell 1857), at end of vol 2 (OOA), and in F.X. Garneau, History of Canada 2nd ed rev (Montreal: Printed and published by John Lovell 1862), 1: frontis...; shows railways completed, in progress, and projected; twps north to line Draper, Macaulay, Bexley to Anstruther, Wollaston north to Airy, Murchison, Bangor to Brudenell, Algona to Rolph; colonization roads; a printed flyer entitled 'References to Map' found at beginning of vol I of The Canada Directory lists sources: Bayfield's charts, surveys of rivers in the Huron-Ottawa area by Sir W.E. Logan (1857) (622), and 'the remainder from Bouchette [see 152] & other authorities'; also noted: 'The MAP...may be Price 75c. mounted $1.50'; described as 'An entirely new map of Upper and Lower Canada...' in a prospectus for The Canadian Directory for 1857-58 issued Feb. 1857...." Acquired as part of the Hodsoll Collection.
