Pakistan (RMC)

[Ptolemaic map of Pakistan]
[Ptolemaic map of Pakistan]
Printed map. Lacking title; supplied by cataloguer. Two pages of Latin text on verso under primary heading, "Tabvla nona AsiƦ continentur, Aria,...." Described in Ashley Baynton-Williams, Four Editions of Fries' Geographia of Ptolemy - The 1541 Vienne Edition of Ptolemy's Geographia,, Issue 8: "The fourth edition utilising Lorenz Fries's woodcut maps was published in Vienne, Dauphine, in 1541 by Gaspar Trechsel, and sold by Hughes de la Porte in Lyon. Once again, the text was edited by Michael Serveius (Villanouanus) from Pirckheimer's translation, and compared with other Greek texts. One important amendment to the text was the removal of the note about Palestine. For this edition, the text on the reverse of the map, where present, was reset. The same series of maps are present, with maps themselves again unchanged, with the exception of the titles (again where present) outside the map itself, and occasional variations in the letterpress text in the margins. Of the Ptolemaic maps only the World map has a title, while the majority of modern maps have titles. For this edition the characteristic woodcut banner designs of earlier editions were discarded, and the titles printed from letterpress type without surround, giving a readily identifiable appearance. The atlas was not re-printed, perhaps in face of competition from Sebastian Munster's edition of 1540, which achieved wide popularity, with its enlarged and improved section of modern maps including, for the first time, a set of maps of the four known continents." Plate 23 in this atlas. McMaster has a 1525 edition of the map; see RMC_9730.