Printed map. "Published ... Nov 1st. 1832. Under the superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge." "Fallon Lipszky". "J.&C. Walker Sculpt." Visual scale [109 mm=120 English miles]. In upper right margin, "57". Donated by Dr. Walter Peace, December 2016.
Printed map. In lower extension of the cartouche, "Ex conatibus Abra: hami Ortely. 1595." In upper right corner, "... Bibliothecario, Abrah. Ortelivs amoris mnemosynon hoc D D." Grid scale, 39 mm=1 degree latitude, 28 mm=1 degree longitude. Latin text on verso on right side of sheet under heading, "Daciæ, et Moesiae" with signature, "xxiiij".
Uncertain which Ortelius' atlas is the source of the map. The map is described in Koeman, Atlantes Neerlandici, v. 3, entry Ort 28, map 14 (p. 56); whereas the verso is referenced in entry Ort 37, p. 64. Donated by Don Measner, June 2004.
Printed map. "Dressé sur les memoires les plus nouveaux, par le Sr SANSON, geographe ordinaire du roy. Dedié au Roy, par son tres-humble, tres-obeissant, tres-fidele sujet et serviteur Hubert Iaillot, geographe de sa Majesté". In map's lower right corner, "Cordier sculpsit."
Visual scales [8 cm = 180 "milles pas geometriques, ou milles d’Italie"].
Printed map. "Neu harausgegeben von Herm F.A. Schraembl". 10 visual scales [118 mm = 20 Deutsche oder geographische Meilen]. Originally published as part of Allegemeiner grosser atlas by F.A. Schaembl (Vienna, 1786-1800). Acquired as part of the Lord Cholmondely Collection.
Printed map. "Begun by appointmt. of R. Morden finished at the charge and by the direction of Christopr. Browne." "I. Harris Sculp." Two visual scales [52 mm=30 English miles]. Prime meridian: London.