Straits of Magellan and Tierra del Fuego (RMC)

A chart of the Straits of Magellan
A chart of the Straits of Magellan
Printed map. "Thos. Bowen Sculpt." Visual scale [53 mm=60 miles]. Prime meridian: London. Acquired as part of the Banks Collection.
A new mapp of Magellan Straights discovered by Capt. John Narbrough
A new mapp of Magellan Straights discovered by Capt. John Narbrough
Printed map. "By John Thornton, Iohn Seller, William Fisher, James Atkinson, Iohn Colson." Visual scale [94 mm=60 English miles]. Includes inset, [Patagonvm Regio], and illustrations. Probably originally published in John Seller's Atlas Maritimus, or a Book of Charts, published 1675 and in various editions until 1710. Acquired as part of the Banks Collection.
A plan of Success Bay in Strait Le Maire ; A chart of the S.E. part of Terra del Fuego including Strait Le Maire....
A plan of Success Bay in Strait Le Maire ; A chart of the S.E. part of Terra del Fuego including Strait Le Maire....
Printed sheet with 2 small maps and 4 profile views. "T. Bowen & J. Gibson sculp". Visual scale [50 mm=1 mile]. North arrow is oriented to the right on both maps. Full title of the second map: A chart of the S.E. part of Terra del Fuego including Strait Le Maire and part of Staten-Land by Lieutenant J. Cook 1769. Views have titles: A view of part of the N.E. side of Terra del Fuego taken from the Point A. in the chart; A view of Strait Le Maire with part of Terra del Fuego and Staten Land taken from the Point B. in the chart; A view of part of the S.W. side of Terra del Fuego taken from the Point C. in the chart; and, A view of part of the coast of Terra del Fuego from Cape Horn to Isle Evouts, taken from the Point D. in the chart. McMaster has another copy; see RMC_107251. Acquired as part of the Banks Collection.
A plan of Success Bay in Strait Le Maire ; A chart of the S.E. part of Terra del Fuego including Strait Le Maire....
A plan of Success Bay in Strait Le Maire ; A chart of the S.E. part of Terra del Fuego including Strait Le Maire....
Printed sheet with 2 small maps and 4 profile views. "T. Bowen & J. Gibson sculp". Visual scale [50 mm=1 mile]. North arrow is oriented to the right on both maps. Full title of the second map: A chart of the S.E. part of Terra del Fuego including Strait Le Maire and part of Staten-Land by Lieutenant J. Cook 1769. Views have titles: A view of part of the N.E. side of Terra del Fuego taken from the Point A. in the chart; A view of Strait Le Maire with part of Terra del Fuego and Staten Land taken from the Point B. in the chart; A view of part of the S.W. side of Terra del Fuego taken from the Point C. in the chart; and, A view of part of the coast of Terra del Fuego from Cape Horn to Isle Evouts, taken from the Point D. in the chart. McMaster has another copy; see RMC_107212. Acquired as part of the Banks Collection.
Exquisita & magno aliquot mensium periculo lustrata et iam retecta Freti Magellanici Facies
Exquisita & magno aliquot mensium periculo lustrata et iam retecta Freti Magellanici Facies
Printed map. Cartographer uncertain, probably Michael Mercator. Oriented with north arrow pointing down. Visual scale. Includes view with heading, "Dese Eijlanden die in gheene Pascaerten aengeteeckent bevon den en worden, Liggen van d'incomste der Strate Magellani O.N.O verscheijden 50 mijlen op de hoochde van 51 graden." Two pages of text on verso under heading, "Fretvm Magellanicvm" on page "373" and "Fretum Magellanicum" on page "374". Donated by Dr. Karl Freeman, Hamilton, March 1995.
Kaart van de Good Success Baai in de Straat van Le Maire
Kaart van de Good Success Baai in de Straat van Le Maire
Printed maps. The sheet is divided into three parts: the upper half has 4 cross sections, each with a description written underneath the illustration; the lower half is comprised of two maps. "Sculpt. apud J.S. Klauber Aug. Nind. 1794." Each map has north oriented to the right. Map on the left has visual scale [50 mm=1 English mile]. Probably originally from a Dutch edition of Cook's first voyage, 1768-1771; source unconfirmed. Acquired as part of the Banks Collection.
Tabula Magellanica qua Tierræ del Fuego
Tabula Magellanica qua Tierræ del Fuego
Printed map. "D.D.D. Ioannes Ianssonius." Possibly originally published in Jansson's edition of Mercator's Atlas Novus, Atlas Novus, Sive Theatrum Orbis Terrarum: ... Tomus Tertius, published 1647. Visual scale. Includes illustrations. Described in Koeman, Atlantes Neerlandici, vol. II, entry Me 59, p. 408-411. In upper right margin, "84". Two pages of Latin text on verso under headings, "Descriptio Freti Magellanici et Freti le Maire" [right side] and "Fretvm le Maire" [left side]. McMaster has another copy with Spanish text on verso; see RMC_107227r. Donated by Dr. Karl Freeman, Hamilton, March 1995.
Tabula Magellanica qua Tierræ del Fuego, cum celeberrimis fretis a F. Magellano et I. le Maire detectis
Tabula Magellanica qua Tierræ del Fuego, cum celeberrimis fretis a F. Magellano et I. le Maire detectis
Printed map. Visual scale. Possibly originally published in Jansson's Spanish edition of Mercator's Atlas Novus, Nuevo Atlas, o Teatro De todo El Mundo. The map is first described in Koeman, Atlantes Neerlandici, Vol. II, entry Me 84, p. 438 as being published in a German edition in 1652. Two pages of Spanish text on verso with main heading, "Descripcion del Estrecho Magallanico y del de le Maire." McMaster has another copy with Latin text on verso; see RMC_107061r. Acquired as part of the Banks Collection.