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1944-06, Marjorie to Stuart
Tenth Battalion, the Cameronians (Scottish Rifles)
history of the 7th Battalion Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders
1944-01, Officers’ Training Centre Brockville. C Company No. 1 Platoon
Letters from Gordon Parkinson: Camp Borden. C. Co 142nd Battalion.  July 16 – October 29, 1916
short history of the 20th Battalion, King's Royal Rifle Corps (B.E.L. Pioneers) 1915-1919
1943-12, Officers’ Training Centre Brockville. C Company No. 1 Platoon
1944-10, Duncan to Stuart Ivison
1944-03, Nova Scotia
With a Highland regiment in Mesopotamia, 1916-1917
1944-04, Marjorie to Stuart
1945-08, H/Lt. Col. J.I. McKinney to Marjorie Ivison
Early letters. Mervin Heights, London. 142nd Battalion “London’s Own.” March 27- July 4, 1916.
Christmas garland from the front
1944-02/03, Marjorie to Stuart
A history of the South Staffordshire regiment (1705-1923.)
1944-05, Marjorie to Stuart
1944-07, Marjorie to Stuart
Fifty-first in France
1944, Stuart to his children
