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[Sites of battles in Russian Campaign of Napoleonic Wars from Warsaw to Moscow 1812-1813]
Les arts de l'homme d'epée, ou, Le dictionaire du gentilhomme : divisé en trois parties
Les arts de l'homme d'epée, ou, Le dictionaire du gentilhomme : divisé en trois parties
second part of An argument against excises ; in answer to the objections of several writers ; especially with regard to that part of the subject, which relates to the power and conduct of the commissioners and officers of excise. With some remarks on the
Ulyssis Aldrovandi philosophi ac medici Bononiensis historiam naturalem in gymnasio Bononiensi profitentis, Ornithologiae, hoc est, De avibus historiae libri XII
De animalibus insectis libri septem
account of the publick affairs in Ireland, since the discovery of the late plot
Indian's petition: or, Black Jack's pawawing to Don Pluto, Lord of the dark regions. Done from his Spanish notes
Ulyssis Aldrovandi patricii Bononiensis de quadrupedibus solidipedibus volumen integrum
account of the debates for and against the bill for punishing mutiny and desertion. With the protests on that head
Adam's tail, or, The first metamorphosis
Age rectified
No abolition ; or, an attempt to prove to the conviction of every rational British subject, that the abolition of the British trade with Africa for negroes, would be a measure as unjust as impolitic, fatal to the interest of this nation
Account of the short life, sudden death, and pompous funeral of Michy Windybank, only child to Sir Oliver Windybank
account of the foundation and government of the hospital for foundlings in Paris
address to the parents, guardians, trustees and executors, who put any youth to grammar-schools
Monstrorum historia
Ulyssis Aldrovandi patricii Bononiensis Quadrupedum omniu[m] bisulcoru[m] historia
