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(1 - 20 of 46)


No. 34. Maritime express stalled on Folleigh Mt, Feby 22-25, '05
Hospital Corps, Aldershot Camp, near Kentville, N.S.
The Falls
Acadian Well and Willows
Markland Hotel
Old Grand Pre Church
Grand Hotel
Off for Home
Glace Bay Marconi Wireless Telegraph Station
Loading Cars on Stmr. Kipowa
Apple Picking near Kentville
St. Peter's Canal C.B.
Cornet Section 25th Reg't Band
Maritime Clay Works
Stellarton Fire Department 1907
The Handley-Page Machine which fell  En Route, N'f'l'd to U.S.
Funeral procession
Train crash outside of station
Trainwrech beside station
Trains passing
