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(1 - 20 of 220)


Halle (Nord)
Roma Nord
[Auchy-les-la-Bassée] : First Army Front, 1
German Uhlans Captured by French Dragoons.
Homburg-Nord [Homburg-Nord]
Mannheim (Nord)
Zittau (Nord)
Ansbach (Nord)
Plauen Nord
Matera Nord
Potsdam (Nord)
Roma Nord
Roye : railway map
Map issued with Fifth Army summary of information, October 15th 1918
Map shewing strengths of bridges : Lens
Grand Trunk : [Loos Battlefield, February 1918, Canadian Corps Intelligence log map]
Barlin : [west of Loos]
Brigade trench map, Area H : [Richebourg St. Vaast, Richebourg-l'Avoué Region]
Brigade trench map, Area G : [Festubert Region]
