Search results

(1 - 20 of 45)


[St. Amand-les-Eaux] 44
36a.Q13 [Merville Front, Southeast of St. Venant] May 8, 1918
66e.R27 [Northeast of St. Aurin] August 14, 1918
62b.M9 [Blockhouse at Pontruet] December 23, 1917
66d.M31 [St. Mard-les-Triot] August 14, 1918
28.O2 [St. Eloi Craters] April 23, 1917
[Vimy Ridge]
Neuville Vitasse
[Arras Region : Battle of Arras]
Grand Trunk : [Loos Battlefield, February 1918, Canadian Corps Intelligence log map]
Schwaben Redoubt : parts of St. Pierre Divion and Thiepval
[Messines, Battle of, Belgium] : St. Eloi, part of sheet 28
Cité St. Auguste : [Loos - Lens Battlefield 1917]
[Hill 70 Region : Battle of Loos 1915]
Second Army Front, map J : [St. Éloi, Wytschaete]
[St. Éloi Region : Battle of Messines]
St. Jean
[Le Quesnoy, Haussy, Saulzoir : enemy organisation, 1918]
[Bertry, Mazinghien, south of Le Cateau : final advance 1918 [area of Wilfred Owen's death]]
28.D13 [Tank Southeast of St. Julien, Passchendaele Area] September 3, 1917
