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Montauban [Battle of the Somme 1916]
Bourlon [Cambrai Battlefield]
England (Witley Camp, West Sandling Camp). December 26, 1916 – March 26, 1918
Roclincourt [Vimy Ridge southern portion]
The Daily Twitter, 30 May 1918-12 October 1918
Letters from Gordon Parkinson: Camp Borden. C. Co 142nd Battalion.  July 16 – October 29, 1916
Montauban [Battle of the Somme 1916]
England (Dibgate Camp, Shorncliffe). November 12 – December 20, 1916
[Bapaume] 57c
[Lens Visibility Map] 36c.SW
France. Active duty. March 29- September 17, 1918.
[Arras to Cambrai: Secret, October 2, 1918]
Early letters. Mervin Heights, London. 142nd Battalion “London’s Own.” March 27- July 4, 1916.
Meaulte [Somme Battlefield 1916]
Meaulte [Somme Battlefield 1916]
Fifty-first in France
[Harbonnieres] 62d.SE
Montauban [Battle of the Somme 1916]
religious teaching of the Old Testament
Diary 6. 1918 April-October.
