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(1 - 20 of 47)


[Somme River, Luce River, south of Albert : Battle of Amiens 1918]
Vignacourt administrative map : army area map, Oct. 24th 1918
[Albert Region : Albert and Somme Battlefield 1918]
[Albert Region : Albert and Somme Battlefield 1918]
[Albert Region : Albert and Somme Battlefield 1918]
[Aisne River Region, between Condé and Rethel]
[Blérancourt Region, south of Noyon]
[Aisne River Region, east of Soissons]
[Chemin des Dames, Craonne]
[Oise River Region, between Noyon & Compiegne]
[Albert Region : Albert and Somme Battlefield]
[Albert Region : Albert and Somme Battlefield]
[Cologne River Region, north of Saint-Quentin]
[Cologne River Region, north of Saint-Quentin]
[Péronne, Somme River : British offensive August 1918]
[Péronne, Somme River : Battle of the Somme]
[Péronne, Somme River : Battle of the Somme]
