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Shantung Peninsula, Shantung, China
Saishu Island; East China Sea
Gulf of Cambay, India
Soya Strait, Karafuto-Hokkaido, Japan
Gulf of Cutch, India
Tsugaru Strait; Honshu-Hokkaido-Japan
Makran Range, Baluchistan, India
Koi River, Indo China
Uruppu Island, Kurile Islands, Japan
Thar Desert, India
Gulf of Martaban, Burma
Sea of Marmara
Sea of Marmara, Gulf of Ismid
Mekong Delta, French Indo-China
Gulf of Siam, Southeast Asia
Tole Sap, French Indo-China
Bintan Island, Dutch East Indies
Penang Island, Malaya States
Nias Island, Dutch East Indies
Sumatra (North) : special strategic map
