Search results

(1 - 20 of 303)


The long arm of Lee; or, The history of the artillery of the Army of Northern Virginia
Publications of the American Jewish Historical Society
passing of the armies
Final report on the battlefield of Gettysburg,  v. 2
Final report on the battlefield of Gettysburg
From Bull Run to Chancellorsville
The  war of the rebellion
The long arm of Lee; or, The history of the artillery of the Army of Northern Virginia
Principia Mathematica
Army of the Cumberland
One of Jackson's foot cavalry
Vermont in the civil war
Final report on the battlefield of Gettysburg,  v. 3
McClellan's own story
Committee of 100, poster, 18 February 1961
Committee of 100, poster, 18 February [1961]
America's insular possessions v2
America's insular possessions v1
Map of the United States
