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(1 - 20 of 78)


"Farthest North, First to Hazelton"
The Eaton Co. Victoria Store
W H Lockhart Gordon election promotion
Rebuilding Fernie, B.C., Three Days after the Big Fire
Cariboo Stage, Largest Stage Route in America
Princeton Coal and Land Co. Mines
A map of Mackenzie's track from Fort Chipewyan to the Pacific Ocean in 1793
Nels Nelson World Champion 240 feet at Revelstoke
Ocean Park
Loading lumber on scows.
Logging Scene on Columbia river
C.P.R. Trains from Atlantic and Pacific at Mission City Junction for U.S. "Stop for Refreshments"
Mrs. Aaronson, 109 Government-St. Largest Curio Store on the Pacific coast. 108 feetlong
The T. Eaton Co. Limited Victotia Store
T. Eaton Co of Canada store on Hastings St., Vancouver
Fire ruins, Hanbury and Evans Bakery and adjoining buildings, Mt. Pleasent
Panoramic View of …
Kalum Street
