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[St. Venant, Hinges Region, west of Aubers Ridge : Battle of the Lys 1918]
Army Area Map No. 6: Training Areas, September 1918
Calais 13
Calais 13
[St. Venant, Hinges Region, west of Aubers Ridge]
[St. Venant, Hinges Region, west of Aubers Ridge]
[St. Venant, Hinges Region, west of Aubers Ridge : Battle of the Lys 1918]
Calais 13
[Pas-de-Calais, Mont St. Eloi Region, west of Arras : artillery map]
[Second] Army area map, no. 6 : Army route plan, 12-8-18
[Second] Army area map, no. 6 : Second Army M.T. circuits
[Second] Army area map, no. 6 : railways (secret)