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[Landrecies] 57a.NW Enemy Rear Organisation 22-10-18
[St. Amand-les-Eaux] 44
History and rhymes of the lost battalion / by "Buck Private" McCollum; sketches by Franklin Sly.
51b.W28 [South of Marquion, East of Sains-lez-Marquion] September 25, 1918
36a.Q13 [Merville Front, Southeast of St. Venant] May 8, 1918
28.Q5 [Gheluwe] October 3, 1918
20.X2 [Roulers] September 21, 1917
20.X1 [Bomb Falling West of Roulers] September 21, 1917
20.O36 [Meuhiken Farm and German huts south of Augereau Crossroads] December 10, 1917
20.O28 [Houthulst Forest, Southeast of Nachtegaal] December 10, 1917
20.P20 [Stadenreke] December 6, 1917
28.L3 [Ode and Fitter Farms north of Ledeghem] October 1, 1918
66e.R27 [Northeast of St. Aurin] August 14, 1918
20.O36 [Panama House, Houthulst Forest] December 18, 1917
20.U5 [Faidherbe Crossroads, Panama House and Owls Wood] December 28, 1917
28.N12 [Vierstraat to Wytschaete] April 23, 1917
62b.A21 [Canal du Nord to River Oise north of Bellicourt] March 24, 1917
20.P25 [German Huts between Augereau Crossroads and Marseille Farm] December 18, 1917
62b.M9 [Blockhouse at Pontruet] December 23, 1917
Zillebeke [Second Army Front 1915]
