Search results

(1 - 18 of 18)
[St. Venant, Hinges Region, west of Aubers Ridge : Battle of the Lys 1918]
[Hebuterne] 57d.NE.3 & 4 (parts of)
[St. Venant, Hinges Region, west of Aubers Ridge]
[St. Venant, Hinges Region, west of Aubers Ridge]
[St. Venant, Hinges Region, west of Aubers Ridge : Battle of the Lys 1918]
[Boeschèpe, Hazebrouck, southwest of Ypres]
[Boeschèpe, Hazebrouck, southwest of Ypres]
[Boeschèpe, Hazebrouck, southwest of Ypres]
Silun Mont' Aquila
[Pas-de-Calais, Mont St. Eloi Region, west of Arras : artillery map]
28.M22 [Cottage Observation Post, Northwest of Locre] July 20, 1918
28.M21 [Mont Vidaigne and Mont Rouge Area] July 15, 1918
[La Clytte 28.SW.1]
[Miraumont Region : Battle of the Ancre]