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(1 - 19 of 19)
Letter of the secretary of war
McClellan's own story
Twelve Mile Creek conservation report, 1960
Ausable Valley conservation report
Army of the Cumberland
Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac
Final report on the battlefield of Gettysburg,  v. 2
Final report on the battlefield of Gettysburg
Final report on the battlefield of Gettysburg,  v. 3
Avon Valley plan, 1952
Visit of the Prince of Wales to America, His Royal Highness at Hamilton, Canada West.
Position of the detachment under Lieutt. Coll. Baum, at Walmscock near Bennington
Plan of the action at Huberton under Brigadier Genl. Frazer, supported by Major Genl. Reidesel, on the 7th. July 1777
A sketch of the Battle at Christlers Farm, Williamsburg, Upper Canada, 11th. Novr. 1813
The Gilston Loud-Speaker, 21 September 1926-15 March 1927
The Daily Twitter, 30 May 1918-12 October 1918
The Daily Cackle, 20 August 1928-11 October 1929
The Daily Twitter, 20 February 1922-23 February 1925
The river & gulf of St. Lawrence, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, and the banks adjacent,