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(1 - 15 of 15)
[Topographical survey of the Rocky Mountains] : Baker Creek sheet
Sketch of Niagara River between Queenston & Chippewa
Survey for a ship canal around the Falls of Niagara
Cours de l'Orenoque depuis ses sources jusqu'à la mer avec les rivieres qui s'y déchargent
Sketch of Niagara River between Queenston & Chippewa
[Topographical survey of the Rocky Mountains] : The Gap sheet
[Topographical survey of the Rocky Mountains] : Anthracite sheet
[Topographical survey of the Rocky Mountains] : Eldon sheet
[Topographical survey of the Rocky Mountains] : Castle Mountain sheet
[Topographical survey of the Rocky Mountains] : Canmore sheet
Survey for a ship canal to connect the Lakes Erie & Ontario.  Lockport Route
Plan de la cataracte de Niagara et de l'isthme qui separe les Lacs Erie et Ontario
Yukon map : sheet no. 01
Survey for a ship canal around the Falls of Niagara