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(21 - 40 of 232)


Fauquissart - Aubers
Bailleul : [preparation for Battle of Arras, Vimy Ridge]
Lens town plan : showing cellars, sewers etc.
[Arras Battlefield]
Plan of the distillery, Rue d'Enfer (marked 'Brickfields' on map 1/5000) : [Neuve Chapelle Battlefield]
Somme-Ancre-Gebiet, Blatt 14 N.O. (Havrincourt) : [Battle of Cambrai]
Revision sheet to Cherisy [overprint] Guemappe : [Arras Battlefield]
Violaines - La Bassée
Willow Road : [Festubert Region 1918]
Violaines - La Bassée
Illies, Violaines, Festubert
Ottawa Road : [Lens Battlefield February 1918, Canadian Corps Intelligence log map]
Lone Tree : [Vimy Ridge Battlefield August 1918, Canadian Corps Intelligence log map]
Crucifix Corner : [Vimy Ridge Battlefield February 1918, Canadian Corps Intelligence log map]
Wissant : [Calais, Boulogne coastal region]
Alberta Road : [Lens - Vimy Ridge Battlefield, August 1918, Canadian Corps Intelligence log map]
Ottawa Road : [Lens Battlefield December 1917, Canadian Corps Intelligence log map]
Reservoir Hill : [Lens Battlefield August 1917, barrage map]
La Bassée
La  Bassée
