Search results

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12.M [Yser Canal at Nieuport] July 27, 1917 at 3 p.m.
Nouvelle carte de la Belgique, physique et administrative
[Ypres, 3rd Battle of, Belgium] : diagram plan, no scale, shewing main watercourse directions
IX Corps H.A. : plan showing proposed Decauville lines for ammunition supply, [Dickebusch Region]
[Oosttaverne Region] : situation at 6 pm, 8:6:17, [Battle of Messines]
Plan de la ville d'Ypres
Plan of camp H.Q. Corps
[Plan of Ypres]
Plan of Ypres
[Hollebeke Region : trench map and map message form, May 1917]
12.M14 [Nieuport Bains] July 24, 1917 at 2 p.m.
28.D [Air Photo-Map Composite: Ypres Salient--Zonnebeke] August 9, 1917
12.M Sea Coast, Nieuport to Ostend (No.1)
[Houthulst Forest Region], target map, 17-1-18 : [end of 3rd Battle of Ypres]
[Houthulst Forest Region : 3rd Battle of Ypres]
[Messines, Battle of, Belgium] : Oostaverne, part of sheet 28
[Ypres, 3rd Battle of, Belgium] : German lines from Klein Zillebeke to Forret Farm
[Ypres Salient 1917-1918, light railways and signals]
Secret "AX6" : [Oosttaverne, Wytschaete]
Spriet : [3rd Battle of Ypres, Passchendaele Battlefield, soil (going) map]
