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(1 - 20 of 44)


[Ypres] 28
[Ypres] 28
[Ypres] 28
Plan de la ville d'Ypres
[Plan of Ypres]
Plan of Ypres
Situation Map 2: Railways and Ammunition Dumps 1-10-18
[Battle of Passchendaele] Situation Map: 6 p.m. 26th October 1917
Poperinghe-Ypres 28.NW, "B" Series
[Ypres Salient 1917-1918, light railways and signals]
Hazebrouck 5A
Ostend 1
Hazebrouck 5A
[Ypres, 3rd Battle of, Belgium : Fifth Army Headquarters]
[Ypres, 3rd Battle of, Belgium : Frezenberg, Zonnebeke Region]
Passchendaele Ridge
Passchendaele Ridge
Position of artillery bearing pickets, 27-7-18 : [Poperinghe, Ypres]
Secret, light railways, 'J' Corps area : east of Canal
28.C29 [Rupprecht Farm, Verlorenhoek] May 1, 1917
