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(1 - 8 of 8)
27.X17 [Bailleul] July 7, 1918
62d.K9 [Morlancourt] July 22, 1918
57b.A11 [Cambrai] October 3, 1918
20.O23 [Audran and Grieg Junctions, Lulli and Kubelick Cross Roads] December 26, 1917
62d.V9 [Marcelcave and Cave Copse] July 23, 1918
28.O4 [White Chateau near Hollebeke and the Ypres Canal] May 20, 1917
57d.W27 [Albert] June 15, 1918
28.S19 [Bailleul] June 27, 1918.