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(1 - 20 of 28)


new catalogue of vulgar errors
Church and state in England to the death of Queen Anne
The Highlands
The Border
Midlands and Wales
Strait of Dover
North Sea
Orkneys and Shetlands
S.W. England
North Scotland
Remarks on two bills for the better maintenance of the poor
second part of An argument against excises ; in answer to the objections of several writers ; especially with regard to that part of the subject, which relates to the power and conduct of the commissioners and officers of excise. With some remarks on the
argument against excises
account of the behaviour of Mr. James Maclaine
plan for rendering the poor independent on public contribution
act for an assessment at the rate of one hundred and twenty thousand pounds by the moneth for six moneths, from the twenty fifth day of December 1653. to the twenty fourth day of Iune then next ensuing
address to Hibernia
Address to those citizens who, in their public and private capacity, resisted the claim of the late House of Commons to nominate the ministers of the Crown
