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Front: Oval portraits of Robert Borden (L) and Wm. Thoburn MP for North Lanark(r) with background of parliament. Back: Pre-printed: Dear Sir: Having received the unanimous nomination for the Conservative party for North Lanark, I will advocate if elected: Honest expenditures of Public Monies. A national policy that will give work to CAnadian workmen and a home market for our Canadian farmers. Our North West lands for our own young Canadians and not for Galicians, Hindoos, Chinese, and Doukhobors. An end of graft, corruption and extravagance. Read carefully the enclosed circular showing where many millions of acres of our farm lands, grazing lands, timber limits and coal fields were given to political friends and grafters for practically nothing and are not worth many millions of dollars. Surely it is time for a change. I ask your vote and influence. Wm. Thoburn.