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Front: A row or two of large white tents line the edge of a mowed recreational area next to a wooden cottage. Several people are scattered around the open area between the tents and the shoreline. Lake Erie waves from the upper-left corner. Back: Mr. R. Chas. Thompson We are having a glorious time. The girls wish they could stay all summer. It is lovely just to sit and look over the water. I have been in swimming every day. Not swimming—but in the water. They let us all go in one tent. The mosquitos are dreadful at nite. Isabel Gibson, Jean McDonough, Laurence Kwell[?] & Stirling Kitchen are here. The lectures are splendid. We have a Jap taking up the Foreign Mission Work. He is giving Lantern Slides to-nite. Thanks for senidn on the letter. How are you getting on? Have you hade word from your father?