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Front: About five men stand on the rubble of a train accident. Trees shoot up from the background. "THREE KILLED IN A RAILWAY WRECK. TRAIN WENT THROUGH BRIDGE ON THE T. H. & B. NEAR HAMILTON, ONT. Hamilton, Ont., Sept. 27. -- The worst wreck in the history of the H. and B. Railway occurred at six o'clock this morning near Mineral Springs, a short distance east of Capetown. A bridge which had been burning collapsed, and three men were killed, one seriously injured, and thousands of dollars' worth of rolling stock and freight destroyed. The dead are: ROBERT McFADDEN, engineer, Hamilton. ED BROWN, fireman, Hamilton. WM. MALONEY, yardmaster at International Harvester works, Hamilton. Injured: SAM W. DICKENSON, brakesman, Hamilton. The Lethbridge Daily Herald Alberta 1908-09-28" Source: http://www.gendisasters.com./train-wrecks-accidents/9621/mineral-springs-on-train-through-bridge-sep-1908 Back: