

17th (S.) Battalion Royal Fusiliers, 1914-1919
17th (S.) Battalion Royal Fusiliers, 1914-1919
by Everard Wyrall, with a foreword by Major-General Sir C.E. Pereira.
A new history of Jamaica
A new history of Jamaica
A gentleman = Charles Leslie., Reproduction of original from British Library., Sabin, 35636, English Short Title Catalog, T117285
Agadat Bereshit
Agadat Bereshit
yatsa ʻatah la-or ... ʻim ... heʻarot ṿe-tiḳunim ... mi-meni Shelomoh Bober., Added t.p.: Agadath Bereshith; midraschische Auslegungen zum ersten Buche Mosis...
America's insular possessions v1
America's insular possessions v1
v. 1. The Great Antilles. Porto Rico. Guam. Hawaii. Panama.--v. 2. The Philippines., by C.H. Forbes-Lindsay ..., Also issued online.
America's insular possessions v2
America's insular possessions v2
v. 1. The Great Antilles. Porto Rico. Guam. Hawaii. Panama.--v. 2. The Philippines., by C.H. Forbes-Lindsay ..., Also issued online.
American merchant in Europe, Asia and Australia
American merchant in Europe, Asia and Australia
By Geo. Francis Train ... With an introduction by Freeman Hunt., The English edition was published under the title "Young America abroad, in Europe, Asia, and Australia."
Annual report of Governor of Porto Rico
Annual report of Governor of Porto Rico
Title varies slightly., Also issued online., First report covers the period from May 1, 1900 to May 1, 1901; 2nd report covers the period from May 1,1901 to July 1, 1902; beginning with <3rd>, report year ends June 30., Issued also in: Annual reports of the War Dept.
Army of the Cumberland
Army of the Cumberland
Henry M. Cist ..., Also issued online.
Australian poets, 1788-1888
Australian poets, 1788-1888
with brief notes on their authors and an introduction by Patchett Martin. Ed. by Douglas B.W. Sladen., Also issued online.
Bermuda Isles in full color
Bermuda Isles in full color
Hans W. Hannau., Larger ed. published under title: Bermuda in full colour.
Bibliotheca rabbinica
Bibliotheca rabbinica
[1] Der Midrasch Bereschit rabba.--[2] Der Midrasch Schemot rabba.--[3] Der Midrasch Wajikra rabba.--[4] Der Midrasch Bemidbar rabba.--[5] Der Midrasch Debarim rabba.--[6] Der Midrasch Schir Ha-Schirim.--[7] Der Midrasch Ruth rabba.--[8] Der Midrasch Echa rabbati.--[9] Der Midrasch Kohelet.--[10] Der Midrasch zum Buche Esther.--[11] Der Midrasch Mischle.--[12] Pesikta des Rab Kahana., Eine sammlung alter midraschim zum ersten male in's deutsche übertragen von dr. Aug. Wünsche., Issued in parts., Also issued online., Includes bibliographical references.
Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac
Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac
1861-5, by William Swinton., Also available in digital form on the Internet Archive Web site.
Christmas garland from the front
Christmas garland from the front
Pub. by permission of Lt. Col. G. S. Tuxford... censored by chief censor, ed. by Lieut. F. B. Bagshaw, Sergt. R. M. Eassie and Corpl. W. M. Scanlon. Christmas 1915. New York, 1916.
Church and state in England to the death of Queen Anne
Church and state in England to the death of Queen Anne
by Henry Melvill Gwatkin ... with a preface by Rev. E.W. Watson ...
Conquest of the tropics
Conquest of the tropics
by Frederick Upham Adams ...
Das alte Testament in der Mischna
Das alte Testament in der Mischna
Bibliography: p. xv-xvii.
