Printed map. "By J. Arrowsmith." "Pubd. 15 Feby. 1833". Three visual scales. Includes "Reference for the names of the townships in Niagara District." In upper right margin, "40" which is crossed out and changed to 41 in pencil. Described in Winearls, Mapping Upper Canada 1780-1867, entry 91, p. 34: "Shows roads, districts, cos, twps to line Colborne to North Easthope, Zero to Luther, and Eldon to Palmerston; from Philadelphia to James Bay and from west end L Superior to Montreal; 1 in '41' in ms, possibly changed from 40". McMaster's copy shows "1833" in imprint, which may be printed over "1832". Acquired as part of the Hodsoll Collection.