28.L19 [MadCap, Capstan and GoldFish Farms near Kezelberg] October 1, 1918
Oblique angle photo. Covers an area equivalent to square L19 on the corresponding WWI map sheet 28. Negative roll 7B, photo "O" for Oblique 349. Annotations on recto: road to "MENIN" labelled and indicated with an arrow. "PARK DRIVE BDGS," "MADCAP FM," "CAPSTAN FM," and "GOLDFISH FM" all labelled in white with arrows pointing to their locations. "PARK MILL" labelled in white with its map reference number "28L19d6.1." and arrow pointing to its location. Other map references provided: "28L19d.1.7." and "28L19c.1.3." WWI Aerial Photograph Collection: Box 3, Envelope 126.