[Ypres, 3rd Battle of, Belgium] : German lines from Klein Zillebeke to Forret Farm
At head of sheet, "German lines from Klein Zillebeke to Forret Farm". Map no. 4, 47th London Division 9-7-17, Printed by No. 2 Advanced Section, A.P.&S.S. 18-7-17. Reference to Intelligence: machine guns, observation posts, dugouts & bldgs occupied, posts where enemy has been seen, dumps, trench railways. Shows detail, grid and German trench system; British front line not shown. Shows situation after Battle of Messines, when front was advanced in this area, and before Third Battle of Ypres. Location: Research Collections; Fonds: WW1 Trench Maps: France; Box number: PC17; envelope number: 486.