[Monchy-le-Preux] situation map [27:4:17 U [VI Corps Topo Section]]
Series Number Id: UNKNOWN. Sheet number: part of sheet 51. Title statement extremely faint. Situation map [no. 119?]. Extremely faint red printing: "German trenches as far as known up to 4 pm 27.4.17 shewn in red". "British trenches in blue. Hostile activity shewn in blue". "Situation (our troops) as far as known 6.0 pm 27.4.17 shewn by blue line (approx)". Detail, grid and contours grey; German trenches and names red; British trenches, names and intelligence blue., Location: Research Collections; Fonds: WW1 Trench Maps: France; Box number: PC19; envelope_number: 575.