Maps in this series have been digitized from paper originals held at the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum, Hamilton, ON. They have been made available to the public under the terms of the Creative Commons License, through a partnership between McMaster University and the CWHM.
Shows major and secondary airfields and emergency landing grounds. "Airfield information from H.Q. Air Command, South East Asia, 1944 January." Previous issues: 1914 (1st), 1929 (2nd), 1940 Edition (3rd), HIND 5000 Army/Air Edition 1943 (4th), 5th Edition (1944). Compiled, engraved and photo-zincographed (H.L.O.) by the Survey of India. Stamped in blue ink, "Return to Ferry Flight Santa Cruz." Relief shown through hypsometric tinting and spot heights. Numerous pencilled annotations. This digital image has been created from an original, paper chart held at the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum, accession number 998.109.009 (drawer 1).