Printed map. "London, Printed by J. Cary, No.181 Strand, July 12. 1813." Shows waterways and roads. Acquired as part of the Lord Cholmondeley collection.
Printed map. "Drawn from the best modern authorities by Eman: Bowen Geogr. to His Majy." "Engrav'd for the General Magazine of Arts & Sciences; for W. Owen at Temple Bar 1760." Prime meridian: London. Originally published in Benjamin Martin's The General Magazine of Arts and Sciences, 14 volumes (London: Printed for W. Owen, 1755-1765). Acquired as part of the Hodsoll Collection.
Printed map. "D.D.D. P. Schenkius Sculpt: Regius." Two visual scales [59 mm=25 Milliaria Germania communia]. Richly decorated cartouche with portrait of Frederick Augustus (Augustus II, King of Poland, 1670-1733, also known as Augustus the Strong). Includes illustrations and inset, "Electoratvs Saxoniæ, Marchionatvs Misniæ, Svperioris e Inferioris Lvsatiæ, Landgraviatvs Thvringiæ, et Comitatvs Hennebergæ, tabula generalis." At head of inset map, "Terræ Hæreditariæ Electorvm Saxoniæ". Possibly from an atlas; source unconfirmed.
Printed map. Visual scale [94 mm = 3 lieues d’Allemagne 15 au degré]. Insets: [Cross-section of canal between Lunya Fl. and Drau Fl.]. This is map number 2 of a set of maps about various canals in Central Europe. McMaster's set is comprised of Accession numbers 9208, 9209, 9210, 9211, 9212 and 9213. Map shows a canal joining the Drau and Sava Rivers (Slovenia). Acquired as part of the Cholmondely Collection.
Printed map. Visual scale [108 mm = 5. Deutschen Meilen 15 auf einen Grad]. This is map number 5 of a set of maps about various canals in Central Europe. McMaster's set is comprised of Accession numbers 9208, 9209, 9210, 9211, 9212 and 9213. Map shows canals joining the San and Bug Rivers (Poland). Acquired as part of the Cholmondely Collection.
Printed map. Visual scale [94 mm = 3 lieues d’Allemagne 15 au degré]. Insets: [Cross-section of canal between Dobra Fl. and the Adriatic Sea]. This is map number 1 of a set of maps about various canals in Central Europe. McMaster's set is comprised of Accession numbers 9208, 9209, 9210, 9211, 9212 and 9213. Map shows a canal joining the Culpa River to the Adriatic Sea (Croatia). Acquired as part of the Cholmondely Collection.
Printed map. Visual scale [106 mm = 5. Deutschen Meilen 15 auf einen Grad]. This is map number 4 of a set of maps comprising Accession numbers 9208, 9209, 9210, 9211, 9212 and 9213. Map shows canals joining the Poprad and Dunajetz Rivers (Slovakia) with the Wisloka River (Poland). Acquired as part of the Cholmondely Collection.
Printed map. Visual scale [70 mm = 4 deutsche Meilen. 15 auf einen Grad]. Insets:
[Cross-section of canal between Ruzenberg and Biata]. This is map number 3 of a set of maps about various canals in Central Europe. McMaster's set is comprised of Accession numbers 9208, 9209, 9210, 9211, 9212 and 9213. Map shows a canal joining the Poprad and Vah Rivers (Slovakia). Acquired as part of the Cholmondely Collection.
Printed map. "A D. Pavlo Fabritio medico et mathematico descripta; et a generosis Moraviae baronibvs qvibvsdam correcta." Visual scale. Probably originally published in Ortelius' Theatrum Orbis Terrarum Opus nunc denuo ab ipso Auctore recognitum multisquè locis castigatum..., published 1592. Described in Koeman, Atlantes Neerlandici, vol. III, entry Ort 27B, p. 53-55. Based on an earlier map of Moravia by Paulus Fabricius ( Latin text on verso on right side of sheet under heading, "Moravia" and numbered "59". Acquired as part of the Banks Collection.
Printed map. "Fecit et deliniavit P. Mauritius Vogt". "Ioannas Leon: Blanck Sculpsit." Three visual scales [146 mm=8 milliaria Germunica]. Shows fortifications, boundaries and more. Includes illustrations.