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(117,361 - 117,380 of 117,405)


Parte orientale del Canada, Nuova Scozia settentrionale, e parte di Labrador
La parte occidentale della Nuova Francia o Canada
Turcici Imperii Imago
Plan of lot shewing the gate house in cemetery
Nobilis Hannoniæ comitatvs descrip.
Design for a gate lodge Burlington Cemetery, sheet no. 2
Design for a gate lodge Burlington Cemetery, sheet no. 3
Design for a gate lodge, Burlington Heights Cemetery, Hamilton, sheet no. 4
Design for a gate lodge, Burlington Heights Cemetery, Hamilton, sheet [no. 5]
Design for a gate lodge, Burlington Heights Cemetery, Hamilton, [sheet no. 6]
Design for a gate lodge Burlington Cemetery, sheet no. 7
Isole dell'Indie, diuise in Filippine, Molucche, e della Sonda
I. Slater's (late Pigot & Co.) new map of Ireland embracing every recent alteration
L'Italia con le sue poste e strade principali
Plan de la ville et fauxbourgs de Paris
