Search results

(41 - 60 of 5,357)


Americæ pars Meridionalis
[America Meridionale] : [globe gore covering western portion of South America]
[America Meridionale] : [globe gore covering central portion of South America]
[America Meridionale] : [globe gore covering eastern portion of South America]
South America (northern sheet)
Religionis Catholicae Avstrali Americae implantatae descripiio geographica
North America, drawn from the best authorities
A map of the British and French settlements in North America
A map of the British Empire in America with the French and Spanish settlements adjacent thereto
North America
North America
A new map of North America, from the latest authorities
North America upon the globular projection
A general, map of North America from the best authorities
North America
South America upon the globular projection
Planisfero del mondo nuovo
