Honourable Robert Edward Clifford, 1767-1817 (RMC)


A reduced map of the Empire of Germany, Holland, the Netherlands, Switzerland, the Grisons, Italy, Sicily, Corsica, and Sardinia
A reduced map of the Empire of Germany, Holland, the Netherlands, Switzerland, the Grisons, Italy, Sicily, Corsica, and Sardinia
"S.I. Neele Sculpt. 352 Strand" indicates the engraver and the shop's address on the Strand. The tab annotated, "Chauchard Reduced" and affixed to the upper left of the map implies that this John Stockdale version is at a reduced scale from the original version by Captain Chauchard. 3 visual scales [73 mm = 70 British Miles]. Insets: Index map on sheet III. Each original sheet has a fleur de lis pointing north. The cartouche is on map II. A Robert Clifford ownership label is affixed to the verso. Acquired by McMaster University in 1969 as part of the Lord Cholmondeley Collection.
Basse Partie de la Westphalie, contenant la Principaute d'ost-frise la Partie inferieure des Eveches de Munster et D'osnabruck
Basse Partie de la Westphalie, contenant la Principaute d'ost-frise la Partie inferieure des Eveches de Munster et D'osnabruck
Printed map. "Avertissement de Mr. Rizzi-Zannoni, de la Societé Cosmographique de Nuremburg." 2 visual scales [75 mm = 4 Milles d'Alemagne]. A Robert Clifford ownership label is affixed to the verso. Acquired by McMaster University in 1969 as part of the Lord Cholmondeley Collection.
Carte des bouches de Cattaro et du Montenegro
Carte des bouches de Cattaro et du Montenegro
Printed map. "Par Max. de Traux, 1808". 1 visual scale [76 mm = 2 Milles Geographiques]. The map shows boundaries, rivers and buildings in the vicinity of the city of Kotor (Yugoslavia). On verso: a Robert Clifford bookplate. Acquired as part of the Lord Cholmondeley Collection.
Carte tres particuliere du Pays de Waase
Carte tres particuliere du Pays de Waase
Manuscript map. Cartographer unknown. Visual scale [134 mm=1 lieue]. "Echelle d'un Lieue de 2500 Toises". Very detailed map showing roads, rivers, forts, buildings, windmills, and lines of defense along the Escaut River.
Das Konigreich Baiern nebst den angrenzenden Landern...[The Kingdom of Bavaria, together with the adjoining lands...]
Das Konigreich Baiern nebst den angrenzenden Landern...[The Kingdom of Bavaria, together with the adjoining lands...]
Printed map. "entworfen von Joseph Dirwald, 1813, verlegt in Wien bey Tranquillo Mollo." 1 visual scale "Deutsche oder geographische Meilen 15 auf Grad." A Robert Clifford ownership label is affixed to the verso. Acquired by McMaster University in 1969 as part of the Lord Cholmondeley collection.
Delineatio Geographica generalis, comprehendens VI. Foliis Singulos Principatvs, Comitatvs, Ditiones, Dynastias omnes, quotquot
Delineatio Geographica generalis, comprehendens VI. Foliis Singulos Principatvs, Comitatvs, Ditiones, Dynastias omnes, quotquot
"Originali Proneriano ad hanc graduationem reduxit D.us Tobia Majer P.P. Gottingens." The map covers an area roughly from Belgium and Luxembourg in the west to Westphalia and Hesse in central Germany, similar to the area covered by RMC 9275 [Germany: western and central regions]. Acquired by McMaster University in 1969 as part of the Lord Cholmondeley collection. Location: McMaster Library Research Collections, RMC 9306 (stored boxed).
Etats de la Maison de Brunswick-Lunenburg, et deleurs Frontieres
Etats de la Maison de Brunswick-Lunenburg, et deleurs Frontieres
Printed map. "Chez Dézauche Géographe". 2 visual scales [77 mm = 8 lieues de France]. Map shows mountains, forest, fortifications, rivers, roads, and marsh. On verso: a Robert Clifford bookplate. Acquired as part of the Lord Cholmondeley Collection.
Grand theatre de la guerre sur les frontieres de France & d'Allemagne
Grand theatre de la guerre sur les frontieres de France & d'Allemagne
Printed map. "Par Guillaume de l'Isle". Visual scale [88 mm = 4 Lieues]. Insets: "Coblentz", "Strasbourg [Visual scale 15 mm = 400 Toises]", "Mayence [Visual scale 14 mm = 400 Toises]", "Manheim [Visual scale 15 mm = 400 Toises]", "Hailbron", "Fribourg [Visual scale 13 mm = 200 Toises]", "Seige de Philipsbourg [view]", "Brisach [Visual scale 14 mm = 200 Toises]", "Fort Louis [Visual scale 17 mm = 200 Toises]", "Rhinfels [Visual scale 9 mm = 200 Toises]", "Heidelberg", "Huningue [Visual scale 8 mm = 200 Toises]", and "New Brisach [Visual scale 7 mm = 200 Toises]". Although no ownership label is present, this map is believed to have belonged to the Honourable Robert Clifford. Acquired as part of the Lord Cholmondeley Collection.
