Great Britain (RMC)


A chart of the beautiful fishery of Whittlesea Mere in the County of Huntingdon
A chart of the beautiful fishery of Whittlesea Mere in the County of Huntingdon
Printed map on silk. "Most respectfully inscribed to the Nobility and Gentry, by their much obliged and most obedient humble servant, John Bodger." "Publish'd as the Act directs 1st May 1786...." Visual scale [75 mm=2,000 feet]. Includes extensive text under the heading, "Historical account", sailing distance charts, illustrations, and inset, "A map of the country surrounding Whittlesea Mere". Whittlesea Mere is described as "the most spacious fresh water lake in the southern part of Great Britain". From the history provided on the map, it seems the lake was subject to violent, unpredictable storms, which would render a paper map useless.
A map of the countries thirty miles round London, drawn and engraved from accurate surveys.
A map of the countries thirty miles round London, drawn and engraved from accurate surveys.
Printed map. "By Thos. Kitchin Geogr. Engraver to His Royal Highness the Duke of York." Visual scale [41 mm = 5 British Statute Miles]. Legend along bottom edge of map includes the note: “Figures annexed to a Place denote its Distance from London in Measured Miles.” Acquired as part of the Lord Cholmondely collection.
A new map containing all the citties. market townes. rivers. bridges. & other cosiderable places in England & Wales
A new map containing all the citties. market townes. rivers. bridges. & other cosiderable places in England & Wales
Printed map. Includes coat of arms with motto, "Dieu et mon Droit" and second coat of arms with dedication, "Viro Perillustri Duo Iosepho Williamson Eqviti Avratos Serenissimo ... lime Consecrant R. Walton & R. Morden". Described in Shirley, Printed Maps of the British Isles 1650-1750, entry Walton 3, pp. 147-149.
A new map of England & Wales. Drawn from several surveys &c on the new projection : [sheet 1]
A new map of England & Wales. Drawn from several surveys &c on the new projection : [sheet 1]
Printed map. "By Thos. Kitchin Geogr." Visual scale [87 mm = 30 British Statute Miles]. Cartouche appears in NE corner of north section. Notes indicate the length of navigable river at major estuaries. Acquired as part of the Lord Cholmondely collection.
A new map of England & Wales. Drawn from several surveys &c on the new projection : [sheet 2]
A new map of England & Wales. Drawn from several surveys &c on the new projection : [sheet 2]
Printed map. "By Thos. Kitchin Geogr." Visual scale [87 mm = 30 British Statute Miles]. Cartouche appears in NE corner of north section. Notes indicate the length of navigable river at major estuaries. Acquired as part of the Lord Cholmondely collection.
An accurate map of England & Wales on a spheroidical projection
An accurate map of England & Wales on a spheroidical projection
Printed map. "Drawn from the best authorities by Eman: Bowen Geogr. to His late Majesty." "Engrav'd for the General Magazine of Arts and Sciences for W. Owen at Temple Bar 1762." Prime meridian: London. Originally published in Benjamin Martin's The General Magazine of Arts and Sciences, 14 volumes (London: Printed for W. Owen, 1755-1765). Acquired as part of the Hodsoll Collection.
Angliae, Scotiae, et Hiberniae, sive Britannicar : Insvlarvm descriptio
Angliae, Scotiae, et Hiberniae, sive Britannicar : Insvlarvm descriptio
Printed map. Visual scale [32 mm=50 "miliaria Anglica"]. In lower right corner, "Cum priuilegio". Includes illustrations and text. Described in Skelton, County Atlases of the British Isles 1579-1850, p. 219: "In the earliest editions of Ortelius' Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, from 1570 to 1572, only one map was devoted to the British Isles, and it was reprinted in every edition up to the last in 1612. [Koeman: Ort 1-42.] Angliae, Scotiae, et Hiberniae, sive Britannicar: Insularum description. § A reduction of Mercator's wall-map of 1564, with west to the top." Described in Koeman, Atlantes Neerlandici, Vol. III, entry Ort 9, p. 39-40: "Theatrum Orbis Terrarum... Auctoris aere et cura impressum absolutumque apud Ant. Coppenium Diesth, Antverpiae M.D.LXXIII. Compared with the Latin edition of 1571, the text has been reset, and has also been increased. Some of the titles are changed. On no. (6) title changed into Britannicae Insulae...." McMaster's copy has Latin text on verso under heading, "Britannicae Insvlae." Acquired as part of the Banks Collection.
Bowles's British geographical amusement, or game of geography; in a most compleat and elegant tour thro England, Wales...
Bowles's British geographical amusement, or game of geography; in a most compleat and elegant tour thro England, Wales...
Printed map. "Printed for the proprietor Carington Bowles". Visual scale [62 mm = 50 British Statute Miles]. Described in Judith St. John, The Osborne Collection of Early Children’s Books: A Catalogue. (Toronto Public Library, 1958-1975), pp.845-846: “The unusual Bowles British Geographical Amusement was at once a map, a game, and an instructional tool for children. Taking advantage of the newly popular tourism rage, this game sought to teach children about the significance of 114 villages, towns and cities in England and Wales. It follows what is now a standard game format, with the players or “travellers” spinning a “totum” to determine the number of steps to take on their journey. At each stop along the way, the traveller is given a brief description of the place where s/he has landed... The game was inspired by the earliest of tourist’s guide books, The Grand Tour by Dr. Thomas Nugent, published in 1749. The book was a guide to the most important European centres that might be visited by young, elite men who were supposed to absorb the culture, customs and languages of Europe so that they might be fitted for employment as ambassadors or in the foreign service.” Acquired as part of the Lord Cholmondely collection.
Britannia prout divisa fuit temporibus Anglo-Saxonvm, præsertim durante illorum heptarchia
Britannia prout divisa fuit temporibus Anglo-Saxonvm, præsertim durante illorum heptarchia
Printed map. On the left and right borders of the map, there are hand coloured illustrations depicting various figures for each county. Probably originally published in Blaeu's Le Theatre du Monde, ou Nouvel Atlas, Mis en lumiere par Guillaume et Iean Blaeu, Quatriesme Parite (Amsterdami, Apud Iohannem Blaeu, published 1645). Described in Koeman, Atlantes Neerlandici, Vol. I, entry B1 42 A, p. 173-175. McMaster's copy has 2 pages of French text on verso under the heading, "La Grand Bretagne", with page numbering "72" and "71" respectively in the upper margin. Acquired as part of the Banks Collection.
Britannicæ, Insulæ
Britannicæ, Insulæ
Printed map. "À Nicolao Sanson Christ. Regis Geographo, revisæ, et ad observationes astronomicas redactæ accurante Robert de Vaugondy filio, cum privilegio Regis." "Guill. Delahaye Sculpsit." Two visual scales [95 mm=150 milliaria Romana]. Possibly originally published in Robert de Vaugondy's Atlas Universel..., published 1750. Acquired as part of the Banks Collection.
Cruchley's improved geographical companion throughout England & Wales including part of Scotland
Cruchley's improved geographical companion throughout England & Wales including part of Scotland
Printed map. "By J.T. Assheton". Two visual scales [143 mm = 70 British Statute Miles ; 14 cm = 60 geographical miles]. Second edition. Stored folded in a green marbled slipcase. Handwritten on the slipcase: "Dr Weld 12 Norton St Portland Place London". The slipcase also bears a printed label: "Cruchley's New Map of England & Wales, containing upwards of 16,000 names of places, and on which is carefully delineated all the mail, turnpike, and travelling roads, cities, assize, market & borough towns, principal villages, also gentlemen's seats, parks, inns on the main roads, remains of antiquitiy, and from a wish to render so elaborate a work complete, it is enriched with very extensive & most useful original tables of reference, the result of much labour and extensive research: arranged in alphabetical order so as to point out at one view the name, county wherein situate, number of Members returned to Parliament, distance from London, Market Days & of nearly 900 places to which is added the population extracted from the returns made to Parliament in the years 1801, 1811, and 1821. The above map can be fitted up in a superior style for the pocket. Forming a companion and gazetteer for the traveller. Published by G.F. Cruchley, 349 Oxford Street, London. Engraver of Maps, Charts, Plans, Notes, Cards, Seals on Stone, Steel, or Brass." Acquired as part of the Lord Cholmondely Collection.
England - west coast : the Firth of Solway
England - west coast : the Firth of Solway
Admiralty chart. "Surveyed by Staff Commander J.H. Kerr, R.N. 1875-6. Assisted by Staff Commander G. Robinson and Navg Lieutt. C.H.C. Langdon, R.N. Silloth & Powfoot Channels by Staff Commr. W.E. Archdeacon, R.N. 1890." "The topography is taken chiefly from the Ordnance Survey." "Small corrections 1933. 233-334". "London. Published at the Admiralty, 28th. Decr. 1877; under the Superintendence of Captain F.J. Evans, R.N: C.B: F.R.S: Hydrographer. Sold by J.D. Potter, Agent for the sale of the Admiralty Charts, 145 Minories." "New editions Jan. 1881, Feby. 1890. Septr. 1890. 19th. Decr. 1929. Large corrections 25th. Sept. 1931." Includes insets: Whitehaven / surveyed by Commr. H.M. Denham F.R.S. & Mr. A. Middleton, 1844 with corrections to 1887; and, Workington, from a plan supplied by the Harbour & Dock Board, 1931, with additions from the Ordnance Survey. Also includes 2 views: St. Bees Head from the Southward (red sandstone); and, View A. Great Aird Hill, Little Aird Hill, Balcary Pt. In lower right corner, "1346". Acquired as part of the Banks Collection.
England and Wales
England and Wales
Printed map. "Drawn & engraved by J. Archer, Pentonville, London." Visual scale [75 mm=10 English miles]. North arrow with globe also serves as a location map. Possibly from Collins' The Travelling Atlas of England & Wales..., published 1850. Described in Chubb, Printed Maps in the Atlases of Great Britain and Ireland, entry DXXIX, p. 348-349. McMaster's copy has a different scale, and may be from another edition. Acquired as part of the Banks Collection.
