Asia (RMC)

An accurate map of Asia from the best authorities
An accurate map of Asia from the best authorities
Printed map. At head of sheet, "Engrav'd for ye beauties of nature & art display'd." In lower right corner, " J. Gibson Sculp."
An accurate map of the East Indies, in which ye European forts, factories, and settlements are inserted & distinguished
An accurate map of the East Indies, in which ye European forts, factories, and settlements are inserted & distinguished
Printed map. "By Eman: Bowen Geogr. to His Majesty". Visual scale [23 mm=420 British statute miles]. "Engrav'd for the General Magazine of Arts & Sciences for W. Owen at Temple Bar 1757." Prime meridian: London. Originally published in Benjamin Martin's The General Magazine of Arts and Sciences, 14 volumes (London: Printed for W. Owen, 1755-1765). Acquired as part of the Hodsoll Collection.
Asia accuratissime descripta ex omnibus, quae hactenus extiterunt, imprimis viri ampliss
Asia accuratissime descripta ex omnibus, quae hactenus extiterunt, imprimis viri ampliss
Printed map. Cartographer uncertain, probably Pieter Schenk. "Nicolai Witsen, Consulis Amstelaedamensis exactissimis delineationibus." Includes inset map: Tartaria Pars [continuation north].
Asia upon the globular projection
Asia upon the globular projection
Printed map. "Drawn from the best authorities; by Eman: Bowen Geogr. to his late Majy." "Engrav'd for the General Magazine of Arts and Sciences; for W. Owen at Temple Bar 1762." Prime meridian: London. Originally published in Benjamin Martin's The General Magazine of Arts and Sciences, 14 volumes (London: Printed for W. Owen, 1755-1765). Acquired as part of the Hodsoll Collection.
View of the city Malacca (Malaysia) from the sea. "J. V. Schley direx."